Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So I have this friend who is getting married. I am not going to try to talk him out of it, but what a retard. I can’t imagine why after seeing all of the evidence against marriage being a good idea people still do it. It makes me feel like humans, as a group, have no control over themselves. I don’t know anyone who has been married for more than 5 years and is happy about it. People who have been doing it for 40 years are in a different category because divorce used to be looked down on a lot more harshly than it is now. Back then people just lived with their unhappiness and pretended to be happy. It is my opinion that that is the only way that what we know as marriage can work. But we don’t do that anymore, now we just get divorced.Let’s look at it another way. I have a product to sell you. It is VERY expensive and time consuming. It only works for half of the people who try it and even then it does not work all the time. It will be VERY difficult and expensive to get rid of and if you do manage to get rid of it you will be left with feelings of guilt and shame. On the off chance that it does work there may be brief periods of happiness as a result but they will be short-lived. In addition this product will make it difficult to do a lot of the things you want to do. Still interested? ….Sucker!


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